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What to do with a pondering mind divulged within a multitude of thoughts…

As an occasional over thinker there appears a parody of information on the facilitation of better listening and though provoking questions.

However, this does little in the way of resolving the issue of overly thinking.

What then can be achieved to facilitate better speech and redirect the passion of imagination into a fathomable fruitful object of desire.

As I have much first-hand experience of.

No one really cares about the things you do, other than you, opinions and perspectives are a buoyant bayonet washed at sea and should usually not be shared openly unless you wish for passionate warfare and wars of attrition.

The art of journaling has recently bridled my ever-chastened mind.

Once bridled by the winds I am now able to curtail and christen this lovely little thing into a tiny teetering tale.

The ability to remain, calm, concise and calculated is strategically superlative.

Directing energy into something useful, an obtainable worthwhile goal is not to be taken for granted.

If this is not done people shall take the energy you have, return it with venom and leave you lucid.

Passion and dedication are wonderful friends and dire foes.

They must be kept on good terms.

My solutions is as follows:

Keep a journal, as opposed to telling everyone everything, channel and construct.

Become the architect of your own mind and reality.

The subconscious bears no insight into the truth or a lie.

Define: Define who you want to become and do exactly that, without the need for approval.

Lie to yourself in a positive fashion if you must. Then do the hard work to prove it true.

Create good habits.

This has a compound effect on all things simultaneously and is powerfully pervasive.  

Read: Consume and learn as much as you can about everything you can.

Travel: allowing yourself to become profoundly literate with pattern recognition.

As Robert Greene says, demonstrate, don’t explicate.  

Become action oriented with a grip on progress and results as opposed to discussing possibilities.

Remember, anything is possible. Both in good and bad.

Discussion can be useful but must never replace action.

It’s ok to fail, in fact, it’s inevitable.

Learn more.

Journaling may provide clarity, forthrightness, and self-awareness in how best to utilise energy.

So that your passion for life works for you and not against you.

Clear direction is necessary.

Else, we are on a turbulent flight to nowhere.

Embrace the turbulence but know where you plan to go and why you do what you do.   

The journal that works best for me is the Leuchtturm1917.

Follow in the pages of some of the greatest minds in history.

With great responsibility comes great power.

“We are all self-made, only the successful admit it.”

Get started write now.




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