The inability to say no
The veneer of stability and truth
The people pleasing sidekick appearing the chameleon
Able to deceptively charm by propelling a nice image
Who will take advantage of any given situation to take and burn
To follow the audiences claps and take but…
Never give
To receive without a thank you
To play the knighted victim to be obtusely false
There exists not a morsels reel of truth
In thus clumsy hearted shell
But a destitute falsity conniving beyond measure
Wrapped in a smile
Signed by Satan
Such is the absolution of the weak man
Fragile, gossip laden insipidly enigmatic
For behind the pleasing palette
Omits the eternal truth
Which can never be spoken of nor revealed
For that would require the wintery rays of light
Peeking beyond a moon slated sky
Glance and peer
For this is for the most, true
Gracing with smiles whilst stabbing with poppies
Observe, reserve and isolate
Waste nothing in sympathy
For their malevolent wrath is wrapped in a steel stung bow
Any interaction delicately unwinding this rusty bronze mechanism
Of which there is of course
No return